Recent Storm Damage Posts

Don't Forget About Fire Storms!

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Summer time is getting closer which means the weather will begin heating up. Being cautious and ready for fire storms is recommended because here in Southern California there have been some harsh wildfires in the past.  These fires often begin in the mountains or foothills but their effects can be felt by many.

Even fires that are distant still have an impact on their surrounding areas. The smoke from a wildfire can be carried by the wind for miles. Because of this, one of the first effects felt is the drop in air quality caused by smoke traveling through the area; increasing the air pollution. The smoke odor may stick to products or your home, possibly damaging or causing them to have an unpleasant smell. The embers can also be carried by the wind. These embers can land on your grass, trees, home or any flammable product around your household. The usual high summer temperatures will also be occurring, wildfires will only add on to the heat increasing the chances of a flame igniting.  A dry winter and drought, along with some cities implementing watering restrictions has led to more dry vegetation all over Southern California. Because of this, the chances of a fire beginning in these dry areas increases.

With the fire season approaching it is best to be aware of its dangers. Firestorms can suddenly begin and spread throughout the region. There is also the chance that there are multiple ones taking place at the same time. SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park is aware of these fire dangers and specializes in dealing with fire damages.  We are always willing to help and we aim to be there in your time of need. You can contact us at (626) 852-9922. We are also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

Are You Storm Prepared?

6/5/2024 (Permalink)

In California, we always joke that “California doesn’t have seasons” and that is because for the most part, we are able to accurately predict the weather because it is on the milder side and rarely has extremes. However, it is still important to be prepared for anything which is why you should have an emergency plan and kit for the worst case scenarios. This is why it is recommended that you prepare a disaster supply kit in order to be ready for a worse case scenario. When a natural disaster strikes, you may need to survive on your own for several days so it is important to have water, food, and other supplies to last your household for 72 hours. To make things easier on you, SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park has created a sample disaster kit list for you to follow.

Here is an Example of What You Should Include in Your Disaster Supply Kit:

  • Gallons of water per person to last a few days which can be used for drinking and sanitation
  • Food that is non-perishable
  • First Aid Kit
  • Flashlight & radio with extra batteries
  • Emergency cash
  • Tools
  • Manual can opener
  • Masks to filter the air
  • Prescription and any other mediation
  • Extra eyeglasses and contact lenses/solution
  • Important family documents
  • Sleeping bags for each person
  • Changes of clothes and sturdy shoes
  • Personal hygiene items
  • matches/candles in a waterproof container
  • Paper cups, paper towels, plastic utensils, garbage bags, moist towelettes

Maintaining Your Kit 

The items listed above are guidelines for how to pack your emergency kit and what you put into yours is completely up to you and customizable to your preferences and needs. Now here are some tips on how to maintain your kit:

  • Keep canned food in a cool, dry place
  • Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers
  • Replace expired items as needed
  • Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs change.

 Don't Hesitate to Reach Out When Emergency Strikes

If a storm occurs, follow all safety protocols. Once everything has settled down and it is safe, call SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park at 626-852-9922 and someone from our crew will be happy to assist you. We service all throughout the Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties.

Flooding in Your Home

9/29/2023 (Permalink)

Flooding in your home can happen at any time from broken pipes and drain back ups, but your home can be even more exposed to water damage when it rains. Follow these tips to help protect your home from water damage during the next rain storm.

  1. Modify your homes water valves. If the city's main sewer line gets backed up during a heavy rain storm, you could find yourself standing in a a puddle of you-know-what. You may want to consider installing a interior or exterior backflow valve. Backflow valves prevent your water system from being contaminated from water flowing backwards into your supply lines.
  2. Clear gutter, drains, and downspouts. Clogged gutters and downspouts can end up in a messy flood. Take the time to clean them and clear them of any and all debris before the rain comes.
  3. Check your sealant surrounding doors and windows. Make sure that any gaps or holes in the sealant surrounding the doors and windows are filled in. This will help stop rain water from finding its way into your home.
  4. Make sure you landscaping drains water away from your home or business. Many buildings are damaged from heavy rain creating pools of water around the building foundation which can migrate through the walls and into basements and rooms built below ground level.
  5. Make sure your roof is in good condition before the rainy season. Leaking water through the roof is very common when properties are located in areas of the country with mild climates.  It’s easy to ignore an aging roof when storms are infrequent and mild. So when a heavy winter storm comes, the chances of damage to the inside of the property are increased.


Contact SERVPRO of Irwindale and Baldwin Park for any questions about storm and flooding prevention. Joe McCann and his team have years of training and first hand experience helping property owners prevent and deal with storm damage.

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park performs restoration services all over Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties. Call now to schedule an appointment with one of our highly experienced team members at 626-852-9922.  

Protect Your Baldwin Park Home from a Storm!

6/30/2023 (Permalink)

Floods can result in the presence of contaminated black water throughout your home. Usually caused by backed up sewers or road overflow during periods of heavy rainfall, black water is classified by the presence of pathogens that could be harmful to your health. We include among these pathogens animal carcasses, raw sewage, herbicides, pesticides, or other forms of debris. Professionals are on hand to help remediate black water emergencies and are equipped with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to work safely in the removal or disposal of biohazard substances.

Biohazardous waste poses a real risk to your health, and its presence is not uncommon with flood damage in Baldwin Park. If you suspect the presence of black water call SERVPRO immediately on our emergency number and avoid all contact with contaminated water, we can safely remove your furnishings and salvage items using modern cleaning technology. Some items may need to be removed for disposal in line with federal and state guidelines.

Usually, structural components like carpets, subfloor mats, fittings, fabrics, or curtains need to be disposed of after coming into contact with black water. SERVPRO can also demolish sections of drywall to ensure that the property is free from contamination once work is complete. We can replace drywall by engaging with third-party contractors on your behalf.

Pumping water out of the home and carrying out intensive disinfectant cleaning is a must in black water emergencies. SERVPRO can deploy high water pressure to help clean structural components, walls, and ceilings, but we cannot guarantee that these are salvageable. Generally speaking, the safest way of ensuring black water pathogens are removed is by demolishing items that it comes into contact with immediately.

A contaminated water emergency usually results in unpleasant odors being released into the home. Equally, heavy duty disinfectants, bleaches, and anti-bacterial chemicals used during cleaning can also carry with them a thick odor. SERVPRO can thoroughly fumigate the property at the end of service using thermal foggers to ensure your home gets back to its preloss condition after a blackwater emergency.

Preparing for Winter Weather

9/27/2022 (Permalink)

California winters seem to carry great variety from year to year. In some winter seasons, the rain comes down for multiple days in one week with chilly temperatures. Other years, the rain may never come and balmy seventies will persist until a few surprise days of cold in the spring. Whatever the case may be, as homeowners and community members it is important to be prepared for winter.

Heavy rainfall can lead to flooding in Southern California. The drought conditions cause dry soil, which leads to poor absorption of groundwater. Keeping storm drains clear is one way to alleviate the potential of flooding. This includes using sandbags and a plastic tarp to create a better flow of water. Also, keeping home gutters free of leaves and other environmental debris will lead to a more consistent and controlled flow of water away from your house, to the well functioning storm drains.

Floods can cause millions and millions of dollars in damages and unfortunately great injury to people. This makes community members' involvement crucial in flood preparedness. Local fire stations provide free sandbag materials and the Department of Public Works can provide services to clear storm drains, 1-800-675 HELP (4357). Utilizing these local resources can help prevent flooding. Families should also put together disaster kits in case of emergency. 

In the worst-case scenario, if water enters your home it is important to take care of the moisture immediately to prevent hazardous mold from growing. SERVPRO Irwindale/Baldwin Park provides mold remediation services, and is open 24 hours 7 days a week to make your emergency "Like it never happened." Call us today!

Hot Weather And Firestorms

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

A firestorm is an intense fire that develops its own wind system. The strong wind currents make it easy for the flames to spread and it also increases its potential to cause damage significantly. During the summer the chances of one occurring increase due to the natural hot weather. Areas close to the forest or places with dry vegetation are at a higher risk of being affected by a firestorm. It is key to always be prepared for a fire as they can begin so suddenly. Some important tips to better prepare yourself include

  • Have an emergency plan in place
  • Install smoke detectors, detecting a fire early on may prevent complications 
  • Inspect your home for potential fire hazards; being aware of their location can prevent a fire
  • Know the phone number of your nearest fire department; the sooner you call the faster they can arrive
  • If a fire occurs indoors if possible you can close the door of the area. This may slow the spread of the fire
  • Know the location of fire fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers
  • Evacuate your home if there is a wildfire nearby that may reach your home
  • Reduce or eliminate dry vegetation surrounding your home; dry vegetation is easily flammable
  • Don't try to fight a large fire
  • Be aware of your surroundings

No matter the location or size of a fire they are always dangerous. If you see there is a firestorm taking place then you should really remain on alert as they are very dangerous. In the event that you do receive fire damage then SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park specializes in fire damage mitigation. We have the equipment and expertise to assist you with your situation and we always want to help. We can easily be reached at (626) 852-9922. We are also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Hot Summer Storms

7/5/2022 (Permalink)

The summer is officially here. The weather is hot and the sun is out longer. It is normal to see people spending time outdoors and enjoying the long days. A few days ago the weather was at 90 degrees. One would think it was just another beautiful day. However, that day it was raining, windy, and there was a consistent lightning storm taking place. 

The moral of the story shows how even in the summer, storms can occur. During these summer storms water from the light rain can come in through a roof that has leak holes.  Your roof can be damaged if water begins ponding in a weakened area. Thus, causing it to break and allowing water to fall inside. Water can also seep in through gaps around the building and damage your floor. Sewage problems can potentially arise and lead to some overflows. Also, there is always a small chance that the lightning strikes can start a fire, thus leading to a large disaster. With all these possibilities one would think it's the rainy season that takes place during the Fall and Winter time, but in fact it is during the summer when the temperature reaches 90 degrees and above daily.

Regardless of the time of the year, it is wise to always be aware of the potential damages that can take place during storms. If you do run into a situation where water or fire damage happens feel free to reach out to SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park at (626) 852-9922. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We always want to help  and we will begin the restoration process and make it “like it never even happened.”

Watch Out For Sudden Storms!

1/25/2022 (Permalink)

Watch out for sudden storms in California.

Living in Southern California we can experience some of the most diverse weather changes. One day it’s sunny with mild temperatures, the next day it’s cold and windy with a sudden downpour of rain. Extreme heat can also come out of nowhere causing a fire storm. In order to avoid damages done to your property, it is key to be prepared for an upcoming storm. Fire, flood, smoke damage, wind damage can all require a reliable mitigation team to service you during the aftermath of a storm.

Some key factors to consider to prevent storm damage include:

  • Keeping up with weather updates
  • Inspect roof for any leaks or damages
  • Evaluate any potential drainage issues
  • Look around landscape for any potential erosion concerns
  • Secure outdoor items that can be tossed by the wind
  • Keep an eye out for dangerous trees that can fall over and cause damage
  • Maintain clean gutters and ensure water flows away safely from home
  • Ensure windows, doors and any point of entry are sealed properly to prevent water from flowing inside the home
  • Identify any potential weaknesses around the home that can possibly succumb to a storm

If you have any questions or concerns, SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park is always willing to help and can be reached at (626) 852-9922. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

Roof Tarps and Board Ups

11/30/2021 (Permalink)

With the increase in unusually strong weather patterns, Southern California residents may eventually be confronted with property damage that needs to be addressed with temporary repairs until permanent repairs can be made.

When storm damage occurs, depending on how strong the storm is, your property can experience lifted roofing and broken windows and doors which can leave your property open for nature and intruders to enter. 

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park can help you quickly board up your property to restore security and protect contents.  Also, SERVPRO can provide emergency roof tarping to reduce the chances of additional storm damage.  Performing reconstruction and remediation services should be handled by a professional as soon as possible to reduce the recovery costs.

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park is a Large Loss Emergency Response company working 24/7 to serve you. We service all locations in the Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Restoration experts are available 24/7/365 to speak with you by calling 626-852-9922. You can always rely on Team McCann.

Mud Slides Tear Homes Off Their Foundations

11/2/2021 (Permalink)

In Southern California this past week, we had a big rain storm. Fortunately, the Foothills did not receive enough rainfall to cause Mud Slides. Mud slides can happen when heavy rain storms occur and fast moving water run-off in the foothills begin picking up soil, dead wood, and boulders on its way down. Public Works departments from foothill communities put diversion barriers in place, but when your city puts out an alert to evacuate, make sure that you follow these instructions. It may not seem like a serious situation when heavy rains come, but city authorities will know more about the risks sheltering in place.  When mudslides do occur, anything in their path can be picked up and carried away, including cars and buildings.

Here are some precautionary tips to help prepare for these unforeseen circumstances:

  • Have important documents in one spot, in a waterproof container, where you can easily grab if you need to evacuate.
  • Buy emergency supplies and pack them in backpacks that you can grab when evacuating.
  • If you need to evacuate your home, move to higher grounds.
  • Coordinate with family members to be sure you have a rendezvous location to meet at in the event of an emergency.
  • Make sure that you are actively listening to official reports during a flood to be updated on what you need to be doing in real time.

Whether you have experienced flood damage or would like to be on the precautionary side, SERVPRO Large Loss Response Team (Team McCann) and his crew are ready to be a resource for you. We offer emergency services 24/7. We service the Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino areas. If you would like to set up an appointment, call our office at 626-852-9922 and someone will be happy to assist you.

Be Prepared for When Lightning Strikes!

10/15/2021 (Permalink)

During the first week of October, Southern California was struck with lightning, thunder, and rain on a cold Monday evening. It was advised that all residents take shelter and stay inside until the lightning strikes were over. 

However, this does not mean that your shelter is invincible to stormy weather.  Damage to your property could have been caused by strong wind and rain creating the possibility for water migration into your property through the roof, windows, or siding.  If you have seen any signs of damage in the past and it’s something that you have been putting off, or if you just noticed it after the last storm, NOW is the time to make repairs. The rainy season is upon us and we recommend you protect your home or business with proactive inspections to be sure your investment is secure. 

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park is here for you if unforeseen circumstances arise and water damage happens. We serve all locations in the Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Restoration experts are available 24/7 to speak with you by calling 626-852-9922. 

Fleeing to Safety

8/25/2021 (Permalink)

A Storm is Coming Smoke covers the air from the wildfires.

Explosive Fire Storm Alert…

Right now, thousands of Californians are being forced to evacuate and leave their homes as 9 wildfires are burning down part of Northern California. Some officials are predicting that it may spread to the Lake Tahoe Basin because only 5% of the fire is contained. This means that all Northern Californians are being kept on their toes about whether or not they will need to evacuate their homes. Fire departments are being spread thin as troops from all over are being sent North to help contain the spread. 

With that being said, SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park stands ready to help when you need it. This year’s California fire storms have already caused a record amount of destruction. Once it is safe for our teams to move into the restoration phase, those structures that can be saved will be returned to their owners and businesses safe to begin the return to a normal lifestyle and business environment.

Our Southern California Fire Season is upon us and we are ready to support if there is an emergency. If you or a loved one have a property directly affected by wildfires, including smoke damage from being downwind, do not hesitate to call us at 626-852-9922.

We serve customers all across Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties.  SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park/Glendora/San Dimas/South Pasadena/San Marino for all Emergency and Routine Property Restoration Services.

Winter Has Arrived in SoCal

1/26/2021 (Permalink)

Storm Front on the Foothills Storm Front on the Foothills

Chilly Arrival

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park has been preparing for the coming winter season.  There are things you can do around your home to help assure heavy rain does not turn into a problem for your property this Winter.

A Few Tips

Make sure if you are in a flood plain you have considered Flood Insurance. The City and/or County can advise you if you are in an area that could be at higher risk. This might be the case because of your location, a recent fire in an area in the hills above your property, or projected heavier than average precipitation is expected.

Clean out the gutters along your roof.  If they or the downspouts are clogged, water may not be moved away from your foundation as intended.

Verify the Roof-Jacks (Roof-Jacks are galvanized metal covers that go around the pipes that go through your roof) on your home are sealed properly against heavy rains. It's best to have a professional go onto your roof and verify there are no unexpected problems that may need to be fixed before the weather changes.

2021 Brings New Weather

Southern California may experience relatively light Winters for several years in a row. When a heavy Winter Season does come along, it could reveal the need to repair or even replace a roof that has been slowly deteriorating. In those cases where a roof starts to leak during wet weather, there can be a significant amount of damage from roof failures as the water intrusion starts at the top of the structure and may cause damage all the way down through the building until it reaches the ground level, or even further if the property has a basement.

Here For You

Despite the change in weather, the cold won't last forever. SERVPRO of Irwindale is here for all your water restoration, fire restoration, and mold restoration needs. We work with most insurance companies and are available 24/7 for major flooding, mold growth, and electrical fire damage of any home or business in Irwindale, Baldwin Park, Glendora, San Dimas, and surrounding communities. Call our estimators today for a quote! (626) 852-9922

Winter Storm Preparation

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

Snow on the mountains Snow on the Mount Baldy

Last month, a winter storm brought rain, snow, and cold temperatures to the LA area. Scattered rain showers resulted in snow dumped all over The San Gabriel Mountains, and heavy hail in many parts of Glendora. Nonetheless, weather patterns are changing and a winter pattern is settling in. Travelers need to drive slowly during this time, and due to the precipitation, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health sent out a warning to avoid the ocean near various storm drains and rivers due to the high probability of contamination by bacteria, debris, and trash.

These winter storms aren’t all bad, many forecasters hope for precipitation to dampen wildfires in the Sierra and cleanse the atmosphere. Gusty winds in Riverside and San Bernardino County were in full effect, and we should be as best prepared for this reoccurring weather pattern in the months of December and January. As the year 2020 comes to a close, who knows what the next year will bring. If you are in a county where a winter storm warning has been issued, be sure to: find shelter right away, stay off the roads, prepare for power outages, and stay indoors.

If your home has been affected by severe winds, rain damage, storm destruction, or any other types of catastrophe and you are in need of emergency services, please call SERVPRO of Glendora San Dimas. We have an outstanding commitment to our surrounding communities to provide genuine and quality assurance. We are open and available twenty- four hours a day seven days a week, and we have the manpower and equipment to handle even the worst of disasters. Call Today! (626)-852 -9922

Storm Damage Readiness

10/19/2020 (Permalink)

Even though SoCal may not have the most rain during the wintertime. You never know when the next big storm is going to hit. Is your property ready for when that happens? In case of a surprise storm, it’s important to have supplies ready and on hand. Supplies that can aid in the health and safety of you, your office, or your family could make a big difference in keeping yourself safe until help arrives. Here are some things you may want to include in a Storm Preparedness Kit… 

Here are some supplies to keep in your kit:

  1. First Aid Kit 
  2. Vital and necessary medication 
  3. Flashlights/glow sticks
  4. Cash and other important documents in a waterproof case 
  5. Food & Water food for several days 
  6. Basic necessary tools (i.e.pocket knife with tools attached)
  7. Sanitation wipes and hygiene products.

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park is a Large Loss, full-service fire, smoke, wind, water repair, and restoration company. We offer immediate response to residential, commercial, industrial, and commercial property owners. We are faster to any disaster and can help you when the next storm hits. 

Call us at (626)852-9922 for any more information or if you need help restoring your property.

Fire Storms in Southern California

8/27/2020 (Permalink)

Fire Storms Fire Storms in Southern California frequently start in the foothills and are fanned by Santa Ana Winds

As the Southern California Seasons progress from mid Summer into early Fall, it has officially become “Fire Season”. 

This is a time when the vegetation that grew so robust in the mild Winter and Spring months has dried to become “fuel” ready to ignite from the slightest spark, even to ignite spontaneously under the right circumstances. 

In the Southern facing foothills of the Angeles and San Bernardino mountain ranges, residential communities, businesses, and multimillion-dollar mansions have been built to take advantage of the spectacular vistas of the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles skyline.  Of course, these properties may also be at higher risk during the Fire Season being located in areas surrounded by heavy grass and brush. 

The team at SERVPRO of Glendora/San Dimas and Irwindale/Baldwin Park have been working with first responders for many years to help home and business owners recover from damaged property. We specialize in restoration services to repair property damage from fire, smoke, soot, and water that are all part of dealing with the annual Fire Storms in the Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties.

Don’t take unnecessary chances during fire season, be prepared to leave when recommended by officials, and call on professionals like SERVPRO of Glendora/San Dimas if disaster does strike.

Inside The Action: Drying Irwindale Residences

7/9/2020 (Permalink)

The key to drying out a residence after flooding occurs is simple: heat. However, raising temperatures can cause concerns for the homeowner. A common thought many individuals have is to turn on the central heating. Warming the house will combat water damage, right? Actually, raising the temperature inside of a damp, enclosed space can raise the humidity. Air has a limit on how much moisture it can hold, so warming different rooms actually risks slowing the drying process. In fact, untreated wet indoor spaces can advocate for accelerated mold growth.

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park offers professional flood damage services locally here in Irwindale and surrounding cities. We understand that floods caused by storms are alarming and can cause serious financial hardship if not treated properly. SERVPRO utilizes an advanced water pumping method and specialized equipment to swiftly dry your indoor space. Our technicians combine hot air (to increase the evaporation rate) with dry air (to maximize effectiveness) using our indirect-fired furnaces. Our furnaces take the air from outside of your home and blow hot air inside through the windows. This air exchange has been repeatedly proven to dry homes faster and reduce the risk of mold growth. While this method is highly effective, it also requires consistent monitoring.

The SERVPRO team of Irwindale/Baldwin Park is committed to walking alongside the consumer the entire process, until the flooding is “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call today to learn more about our drying process anytime (626) 337-3374.

Storm Readiness Kit Recommendations

6/5/2020 (Permalink)

Storm Protect Your Business From The Next Big Storm

Despite Southern California’s low percentage of rain, the next big storm could be right around the corner. Ask yourself: is your property prepared for strong winds or flash flooding? It’s essential to keep vital supplies accessible at all times. Up to date equipment can save your home and office, as well as the lives of its inhabitants. Keeping yourself safe during an emergency is crucial until help arrives. 

When crafting a Storm Readiness Kit, here are some items to include:

  1. Water (enough for three days)
  2. Food (three day supply of non-perishables)
  3. First Aid Kit
  4. Flashlights (with new batteries) & Glow Sticks
  5. Basic Tools such as wrenches or pliers (to turn off utilities)
  6. Whistle (to signal assistance)
  7. Cloth Face Coverings & Disinfectant Wipes

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park operates 24 hours a day as a standing commitment to be the most reliable restoration company in the US. We are here to support you when emergencies occur, and offer immediate response to residential, commercial, industrial, and commercial property owners. 

Diablo and Santa Ana Winds

12/2/2019 (Permalink)

What are the Diablo and Santa Ana winds?

The hot, dry California winds referred to as the Santa Ana winds in southern CA and Diablo winds in northern CA have become a popular topic with the wildfires occurring all over CA. In the fall months, these strong winds whip through land that has remained dry from May through October. As the Santa Ana and Diablo winds move from high pressure, to low pressure, they build in force, achieving maximum strength upon reaching CA. While these winds are capable of clearing dense marine fog, they also spark fires across California regions with especially low humidity.  

Why are the winds a problem?

Santa Ana and Diablo winds have recently contributed to a string of fires across CA. The winds cause power lines to arc. Arcing is when an electrical current travels through the air between two points, more common to occur in high winds, low humidity, or cold temperatures. These conditions can cause an arc fault, or commonly, Arc Flash.  As the electrical current is traveling through the air sparks can result which can ignite nearby fuel (brush, tree branches, or other flammable material) and start a fire.

Not only can these winds spark fires, but they also exacerbate the magnitude of fires as the Santa Anas and aptly named Diablos quickly blow embers to other areas.

One utility, PG&E planned power outages across CA last month in conjunction with forecasted high winds in an attempt to prevent fires sparking from vulnerable electrical lines, which are more likely to arc, by turning off power to these hazardous lines.

There is a greater issue of the maintenance of exposed electrical lines which are inherently dangerous in high wind conditions. Ensuing criticism of PG&E led to a lawsuit against the company for recent CA wildfires, resulting in PG&E having to settle for $11 billion and declare bankruptcy.

How can I be prepared for high wind conditions?

Winds threatened to reach up to 75mp the last week of October in southern CA. People are cautioned to drive carefully and avoid areas with high wildfire risk. As a family, if you live in a high-risk area for wildfires, have an evacuation plan ready that everyone knows. Additionally, have all important documents easily accessible if you must leave your home. If you see a poorly maintained power line, call authorities immediately. Remember, in the unfortunate case of a fire, SERVPRO of Irwindale / Baldwin Park is here to help, we are faster to any disaster!

Diablo and Santa Ana Winds

11/4/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO IBP sales car out on a windy day A beautiful and windy day in California

What are the Diablo and Santa Ana winds?

The hot, dry California winds referred to as the Santa Ana winds in southern CA and Diablo winds in northern CA have become a popular topic with the wildfires occurring all over CA. In the fall months, these strong winds whip through land that has remained dry from May through October. As the Santa Ana and Diablo winds move from high pressure, to low pressure, they build in force, achieving maximum strength upon reaching CA. While these winds are capable of clearing dense marine fog, they also spark fires across California regions with especially low humidity.  

Why are the winds a problem?

Santa Ana and Diablo winds have recently contributed to a string of fires across CA. The winds cause power lines to arc. Arcing is when an electrical current travels through the air between two points, more common to occur in high winds, low humidity, or cold temperatures. These conditions can cause an arc fault, or commonly, Arc Flash.  As the electrical current is traveling through the air sparks can result which can ignite nearby fuel (brush, tree branches, or other flammable material) and start a fire.

Not only can these winds spark fires, but they also exacerbate the magnitude of fires as the Santa Anas and aptly named Diablos quickly blow embers to other areas.

One utility, PG&E planned power outages across CA last month in conjunction with forecasted high winds in an attempt to prevent fires sparking from vulnerable electrical lines, which are more likely to arc, by turning off power to these hazardous lines.

There is a greater issue of the maintenance of exposed electrical lines which are inherently dangerous in high wind conditions. Ensuing criticism of PG&E led to a lawsuit against the company for recent CA wildfires, resulting in PG&E having to settle for $11 billion and declare bankruptcy.

How can I be prepared for high wind conditions?

Winds threatened to reach up to 75mp the last week of October in southern CA. People are cautioned to drive carefully and avoid areas with high wildfire risk. As a family, if you live in a high-risk area for wildfires, have an evacuation plan ready that everyone knows. Additionally, have all important documents easily accessible if you must leave your home. If you see a poorly maintained power line, call authorities immediately. Remember, in the unfortunate case of a fire, SERVPRO of Irwindale / Baldwin Park is here to help, we are faster to any disaster!

Weather causes Disaster

10/18/2019 (Permalink)

A natural fire with people watching the huge flames burn. Wildfires seem as if they have become a normal occurrence.

In Southern California, atmospheric weather patterns are relatively mild and predictable.   That’s why when you speak with people from states that really have four seasons, the joke is “Californian’s don’t know what weather is”.

However, there is a case to be made that California does have dramatic weather.  The evidence starts piling up when you hear about the catastrophic fire seasons that have become more common as the weather patterns have become drier, hotter, and longer.   Severe fire seasons have become much more common recently. Case in point, the 5 largest fires recorded in California have all occurred in the last 15 years.

Late in 2017, the fire season hit with such force, the largest fire in state history (over 273,000 acres) struck the West coast of California in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.

The devastation and disruption from fires like these is a cycle that Californians have come to expect.  When the fire season slows down and actually ends, there comes a high risk for mud slides from the loss of vegetation in fire damaged foothills.

If fire or water damage occurs to your property, SERVPRO of Irwindale / Baldwin Park can be a helpful resource for restoration services, expert advice on unique situations, and emergency response when immediate help is needed.

Baldwin Park Home Flood Dirty and Muddy? SERVPRO Can Restore and Disinfect Your Property

8/27/2019 (Permalink)

Dolls and Figures Depicting SERVPRO at a Trade Show SERVPRO Joe and Friends Clean and Remove Floodwaters from Baldwin Park Homes

How Much Is Cleaning Necessary after Flood Damage in Your Baldwin Park Property?

Flooding incidents generally leave property dirty, so cleanup is expected. However, the level of cleaning needed to restore the house to its preloss state might exceed your vision.  Cleaning is not just tedious, but also costly because restoring some materials and contents is not possible. Choosing a professional restoration team after flood damage helps because of the advanced training and other resources they have.

Removing Debris and Soils
The prominent part of the cleanup necessary after flood damage in your Baldwin Park home is removing debris such as mud and silt or other soils left by the floodwaters. It can be a complicated process, but since the soils are likely to be spread all over your property, it is likely to be a tedious process.  Our SERVPRO technicians use equipment such as pressure washers and different surface scrubbers to ease the process. We also use professional cleaning products which help break down soils and also eliminate contaminants ensuring restoration of sanitary conditions to your property.

Cleaning Contents
Floodwaters affect everything in a property, including contents. Black Water or groundwater, by definition, is contaminated. It is not possible to save the porous ones such as carpets and pad because they retain traces of the contaminants even after a thorough cleaning.  Cleaning can help save the rest, including wooden furniture.  Unlike surfaces such as floors, furniture items require a personalized approach. Our SERVPRO technicians use mild detergents, and brushes to reach all areas of the affected furniture.  Since exposure to high amounts of water can damage furniture, we also dry them in a controlled environment.

Concealed Spaces
Several areas you might consider challenging to reach in your home are not out of bounds for floodwaters.  These might include wall cavities and subfloors, and crawlspaces, among others. Cleaning such areas is necessary, but it might require expertise to ensure thoroughness and to avoid damaging other areas. Our SERVPRO technicians open up concealed areas safely removing soils and porous materials such as insulation.

Cleaning a home affected by flooding is a complex process. Call SERVPRO of Irwindale / Baldwin Park to help. You can communicate with us at (626) 337-3374 any time. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

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When You Have A Flood Damage Emergency In Your Baldwin Park Home Call SERVPRO!

1/22/2019 (Permalink)

Flood damage in your Baldwin Park home needs to be handled as fast as possible.

Reversing Flood Damage In A Baldwin Park Home

Flood damage to your home is devastating enough without the knowledge every second water is in the home secondary damage may be occurring. The process of removing any standing water needs to begin as soon as possible to mitigate damage to your home and possessions as well as prevent the growth and spread of mold.

When our SERVPRO technicians come to your flood damaged Baldwin Park home, they will immediately access the scale of the cleanup and determine if there are contaminants in any standing water that also need to be addressed. We use powerful equipment to quickly pull flood water out of your home. Then, industrial air movers are often employed to quickly dry surfaces and objects as fast as possible. Our team uses moisture detecting technology to determine if a room that looks dry is actually dry so the next phase of your home restoration can begin.

Our technicians use antifungal and antibacterial formulas to deep clean the surfaces and possessions affected by water. SERVPRO technicians are highly trained in the remediation of both water-damaged building materials and household items. Our goal is to restore so you can minimize the cost of replacing items affected by flood damage. We apply many different methods such as wet and dry hand cleaning, residue-lifting foam and immersion cleaning as the individual needs of each area of the home and possessions dictate. Because of the odor that can remain even after eradicating the water and moisture, we also utilize effective methods to completely deodorize your carpets and furnishings, so your home smells fresh and clean. During the restoration process, our certified technicians replace any structural damage to your home such as drywall or carpeting that could not be restored through cleaning efforts.

Flood damage in your Baldwin Park home needs to be handled as fast as possible. Contact SERVPRO of Irwindale / Baldwin Park at (626) 337-3374 and speak to one of our knowledgeable technicians who are available 24/7 to begin the process of fully restoring your home to its pre-flood condition.

Click here for more about Baldwin Park.

VINCENT FLOODING?? Dry Your Home with Help from SERVPRO

11/1/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Super Heroes Save Homes in Vincent After Flooding

Restoring Your Vincent Home from Flood Damages Quickly

A Vincent homeowner might do many tasks to keep their home maintained and manage its upkeep. After disaster strikes, even the savviest of homeowners could find themselves out of their comfort zones with repairing and restoring the effects. Flooding, for example, can spread through multiple areas of a home, making it imperative to contact our professionals right away to help.

Flood damages can spread throughout your Vincent home from the moment of contact until the situation has gotten resolved by trained professionals with extraction equipment. Our SERVPRO technicians have the experience and equipment to mitigate the losses to your family and property by working quickly to extract the excess water and prevent the situation from worsening.

From the moment that you call our emergency response team, our SERVPRO Green Fleet prepares immediately with all the equipment and detection tools to assess the full scope of the damage to your residence. At this same time, we employ our portable pumps and wet-vacs with extraction wands to remove the excess pooling from areas throughout the house.

Contacting our professionals at the first sign of flood damages can ensure that the appropriate personnel reaches your home in time to preserve much of the affected materials and contents. Through pack-out procedures, our technicians can remove at-risk contents of your home to a safe location until the restoration has completed. During their time safely stored in a nearby area, our professionals can assess any need for cleanup, disinfection, deodorization, or other restorative practices to the items. Once restoration has completed or neared completion, we can return the removed items to their original positions within your home to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Flood damages in your home threaten the structural integrity and security of construction materials throughout the affected areas. Whenever disaster strikes, our SERVPRO of Irwindale / Baldwin Park emergency response team can help right away. Give our experienced and professional restoration team a call anytime that you might need us at (626) 337-3374.

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Attention Baldwin Park Homeowners!! Rely on SERVPRO for Storm Damage Cleanup and Restoration

10/17/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Saves Your Baldwin Park Home from Flood Damage--We're Faster To Any Size Disaster

Severe Weather Can Cause Flooding in Your Baldwin Park Home

Preparing for severe weather means safeguarding your Baldwin Park home against the pressing threats that powerful weather systems can present. While you might not be able to protect your property against high-powered winds or torrential rainfall fully, you can make sure that the materials used to construct your home are in top form to withstand these effects. Regular inspections of elements like your roof and siding can help you to ward off situations like flooding.

As unnerving as the severe weather might be, flood damages to your Baldwin Park home are often much more challenging to overcome. Once floodwaters have penetrated a vulnerable point in your home’s exterior, the damage begins to spread quickly throughout the affected area and adjacent spaces until it has impacted most of the house. In these situations, you need a fast-responding professional team like our SERVPRO technicians.

Much of these detrimental situations can get avoided by routine inspections, however. Understanding the condition of your roof or the siding on your house can alert you to problems that require immediate attention. Without this knowledge, any homeowner is waiting for the time that these defenses fail and allow runoff and torrential rainfall to couple into floodwaters that spread rapidly throughout their home.

From the moment that our SERVPRO technicians arrive at your home, we get to work on removing at-risk items from the house to prevent further damages to your possessions. We can then set our sights on extraction work using portable pumps and wet-vacs. Our Green Fleet also carried a gas-powered extractor for substantial water volume removal. The excess water poses a higher risk for continual saturation and weakening of structural components.

Generally, floodwaters are categorized as Black Water which can contain significant contaminants like bacteria, viruses, sewage, pesticides, and debris. Disinfecting areas exposed to this tainted water is included in our SERVPRO flood mitigation service. Drying follows this approach and is one of the most thorough and intricate steps in flood restoration. We document the results and inspect using moisture meters and an infrared FLIR camera for verification of dryness.

Many homeowners in the area experience flooding unexpectedly from structural failures of their home’s defenses. While routine inspections can help alert you to a problem, you should also know that our SERVPRO of Irwindale / Baldwin Park emergency response team can help you overcome the damages as well. Give us a call anytime that disaster strikes at (626) 337-3374.

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Preparing a Storm Supply Kit for Your Baldwin Park Home

9/21/2018 (Permalink)

A disaster supply kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. You should have a kit at home and also at your place of work. At work, try to include a pair of comfortable shoes in case you need to walk to a shelter area. It's best to assume that in the event of an emergency or natural disaster, roads will be inaccessible by vehicles, and public transportation will be shut down.

Try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. You may have to evacuate at a moment's notice and take essentials with you. You will probably not have time to search for the supplies you need or shop for them. After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water and other supplies to last for at least 72 hours. 

Additionally, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment and telephones may be cut off for days, even a week or longer. Your supplies kit should contain items to help you manage during these outages.

Emergency Supplies

Water, food and clean air are important things to have if an emergency happens. Each family or individual's kit should be customized to meet specific needs, such as medications and infant formula. It should also be customized to include important family documents.

Recommended Supplies To Include In A Basic Kit:

  • Water, one gallon of water per person per day, for drinking and sanitation
  • Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Battery-powered radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First Aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Infant formula and diapers, if you have an infant
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
  • Dust mask or cotton t-shirt, to help filter the air
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
  • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
  • Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)
  • Local maps
  • Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery
  • Cash or traveler's checks

Maintaining Your Kit

After assembling your kit remember to maintain it so it’s ready when needed:

  • Keep canned food in a cool, dry place

  • Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers

  • Replace expired items as needed

  • Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs change.

Stay Storm Ready in Southern California

8/22/2018 (Permalink)

California's historic drought remains severe, and residents must continue to conserve water. At the same time, we must also prepare for the possibility of large storms and coastal/bay flooding.

Storms in California sometimes cause flooding, mud flows, landslides, electrical outages and other impacts.

Using water wisely while taking steps to prepare for winter storms and coastal/bay flooding will help to protect our households, our communities and our state.

Failing to evacuate flooded areas, entering flood waters, or remaining after a flood has passed can result in injury or death. Flooding is a temporary overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. Floods may:

  • Result from rain, snow, coastal storms, storm surges, and overflows of dams and other water systems.

  • Develop slowly or quickly – Flash floods can come with no warning.

  • Cause outages, disrupt transportation, damage buildings, and create landslides.


  • Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Turn Around, Don’t Drown!

    • Just six inches of moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.

  • Stay off of bridges over fast-moving water.

  • Determine how best to protect yourself based on the type of flooding.

    • Evacuate if told to do so.

    • Move to higher ground or a higher floor.

    • Stay where you are.


Prepare NOW

  • Know types of flood risk in your area. Visit FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center for information.

  • Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts.

  • If flash flooding is a risk in your location, then monitor potential signs, such as heavy rain.

  • Learn and practice evacuation routes, shelter plans, and flash flood response.

  • Gather supplies in case you have to leave immediately, or if services are cut off. Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication. Don’t forget the needs of pets. Obtain extra batteries and charging devices for phones and other critical equipment.

  • Purchase or renew a flood insurance policy. It typically takes up to 30 days for a policy to go into effect and can protect the life you've built. Homeowner’s policies do not cover flooding. Get flood coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

  • Keep important documents in a waterproof container. Create password-protected digital copies.

  • Protect your property. Move valuables to higher levels. Declutter drains and gutters. Install check valves. Consider a sump pump with a battery.

For more information visit:

When weather becomes a problem..

8/1/2018 (Permalink)

In Southern California, atmospheric weather patterns are relatively mild and predictable.   That’s why when you speak with people from states that really have four seasons, the joke is “Californian’s don’t know what weather is”.

However, there is a case to be made that California does have dramatic weather.  The evidence starts piling up when you hear about the catastrophic fire seasons that have become more common as the weather patterns have become drier, hotter, and longer.   Severe fire seasons have become much more common recently. Case in point, the 5 largest fires recorded in California have all occurred in the last 15 years.

Late in 2017, the fire season hit with such force, the largest fire in state history (over 273,000 acres) struck the West coast of California in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.

The devastation and disruption from fires like these is a cycle that Californians have come to expect.  When the fire season slows down and actually ends, there comes a high risk for mud slides from the loss of vegetation in fire damaged foothills.

If fire or water damage occurs to your property, SERVPRO of Glendora/San Dimas can be a helpful resource for restoration services, expert advice on unique situations, and emergency response when immediate help is needed.