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Don't Forget About Fire Storms!

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Summer time is getting closer which means the weather will begin heating up. Being cautious and ready for fire storms is recommended because here in Southern California there have been some harsh wildfires in the past.  These fires often begin in the mountains or foothills but their effects can be felt by many.

Even fires that are distant still have an impact on their surrounding areas. The smoke from a wildfire can be carried by the wind for miles. Because of this, one of the first effects felt is the drop in air quality caused by smoke traveling through the area; increasing the air pollution. The smoke odor may stick to products or your home, possibly damaging or causing them to have an unpleasant smell. The embers can also be carried by the wind. These embers can land on your grass, trees, home or any flammable product around your household. The usual high summer temperatures will also be occurring, wildfires will only add on to the heat increasing the chances of a flame igniting.  A dry winter and drought, along with some cities implementing watering restrictions has led to more dry vegetation all over Southern California. Because of this, the chances of a fire beginning in these dry areas increases.

With the fire season approaching it is best to be aware of its dangers. Firestorms can suddenly begin and spread throughout the region. There is also the chance that there are multiple ones taking place at the same time. SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park is aware of these fire dangers and specializes in dealing with fire damages.  We are always willing to help and we aim to be there in your time of need. You can contact us at (626) 852-9922. We are also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

Are You Storm Prepared?

6/5/2024 (Permalink)

In California, we always joke that “California doesn’t have seasons” and that is because for the most part, we are able to accurately predict the weather because it is on the milder side and rarely has extremes. However, it is still important to be prepared for anything which is why you should have an emergency plan and kit for the worst case scenarios. This is why it is recommended that you prepare a disaster supply kit in order to be ready for a worse case scenario. When a natural disaster strikes, you may need to survive on your own for several days so it is important to have water, food, and other supplies to last your household for 72 hours. To make things easier on you, SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park has created a sample disaster kit list for you to follow.

Here is an Example of What You Should Include in Your Disaster Supply Kit:

  • Gallons of water per person to last a few days which can be used for drinking and sanitation
  • Food that is non-perishable
  • First Aid Kit
  • Flashlight & radio with extra batteries
  • Emergency cash
  • Tools
  • Manual can opener
  • Masks to filter the air
  • Prescription and any other mediation
  • Extra eyeglasses and contact lenses/solution
  • Important family documents
  • Sleeping bags for each person
  • Changes of clothes and sturdy shoes
  • Personal hygiene items
  • matches/candles in a waterproof container
  • Paper cups, paper towels, plastic utensils, garbage bags, moist towelettes

Maintaining Your Kit 

The items listed above are guidelines for how to pack your emergency kit and what you put into yours is completely up to you and customizable to your preferences and needs. Now here are some tips on how to maintain your kit:

  • Keep canned food in a cool, dry place
  • Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers
  • Replace expired items as needed
  • Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs change.

 Don't Hesitate to Reach Out When Emergency Strikes

If a storm occurs, follow all safety protocols. Once everything has settled down and it is safe, call SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park at 626-852-9922 and someone from our crew will be happy to assist you. We service all throughout the Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties.

Industrial Fires

9/29/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Glendora/San Dimas has been doing business in the San Gabriel Valley and Los Angeles Basin for over 15 years.  

In the residential and commercial Restoration industry, disasters can be big or small, but they all have one thing in common, somebody has lost something that was probably important to them.  If it’s not something with a dollar value or an item of sentimental value, it could be the loss of a sense of security.  A realization and fear that no matter how much you might spend to avoid it and how well you prepare for a disaster there is no way to stop it.  Both man-made and especially natural disasters have a way of striking unexpectedly or with such indiscriminate force that our creations and confidence can be reduced to ruins in seconds.

The good people at SERVPRO understand this sense of loss seeing it on so many faces over the years.  Because of that, we strive to treat each of our customers with the same compassion, no matter if it’s mold under a bathroom sink or a mudslide that has filled an entire home to the ceiling with rocks and debris.  Given different people, we understand these feelings can be the very same regardless of the scope.  

If you need somebody with years of experience expertly handling the physical loss and the emotional challenges dealing with a fire, flood, sewer spill, or mold under a bathroom sink, call SERVPRO of Glendora/San Dimas to help you get back to normal and regain your confidence that life can be good again.

Flooding in Your Home

9/29/2023 (Permalink)

Flooding in your home can happen at any time from broken pipes and drain back ups, but your home can be even more exposed to water damage when it rains. Follow these tips to help protect your home from water damage during the next rain storm.

  1. Modify your homes water valves. If the city's main sewer line gets backed up during a heavy rain storm, you could find yourself standing in a a puddle of you-know-what. You may want to consider installing a interior or exterior backflow valve. Backflow valves prevent your water system from being contaminated from water flowing backwards into your supply lines.
  2. Clear gutter, drains, and downspouts. Clogged gutters and downspouts can end up in a messy flood. Take the time to clean them and clear them of any and all debris before the rain comes.
  3. Check your sealant surrounding doors and windows. Make sure that any gaps or holes in the sealant surrounding the doors and windows are filled in. This will help stop rain water from finding its way into your home.
  4. Make sure you landscaping drains water away from your home or business. Many buildings are damaged from heavy rain creating pools of water around the building foundation which can migrate through the walls and into basements and rooms built below ground level.
  5. Make sure your roof is in good condition before the rainy season. Leaking water through the roof is very common when properties are located in areas of the country with mild climates.  It’s easy to ignore an aging roof when storms are infrequent and mild. So when a heavy winter storm comes, the chances of damage to the inside of the property are increased.


Contact SERVPRO of Irwindale and Baldwin Park for any questions about storm and flooding prevention. Joe McCann and his team have years of training and first hand experience helping property owners prevent and deal with storm damage.

SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park performs restoration services all over Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties. Call now to schedule an appointment with one of our highly experienced team members at 626-852-9922.  

Your Restoration Needs

9/29/2023 (Permalink)

When you experience an unexpected fire or water damage to your home, you are suddenly left with distress and a variety of decisions to make. One of the first things you will attempt to do is contact someone who can help you and set you on the right course. When experiencing a large loss,  SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park is always a reliable company to contact. We offer numerous advantages that will make the process easy and aid you in getting your life back on track. 

Some of the benefits include:

  • Available 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days per year
  • We respond quick; fast completion rate
  • Our restoration services will save you money long term
  • Trained in IICRC standards
  • We keep documentation for your records
  • A variety of equipment to use
  • We will work with your insurance company or representative
  • We will give you a final walkthrough to make certain you are pleased with the results
  • We value the importance of great customer service

If you ever need services involving water or fire damage, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to help and aim to make the entire process convenient for you. Our goal is to make it, “Like it never even happened.” Contact us anytime at (626) 852-9922 so that we can assist you with your restoration needs!

A Peaceful Vacation

9/29/2023 (Permalink)

Vacations Are Much Needed

Whether you are leaving town for a few days or a few weeks, make sure to have a plan in place to keep your home safe. Vacationing can be fun, but coming home to a house in one piece is even better. There is always a possibility of flooding and water damage in your home when you are away.

A Reliable Neighbor

Considering having someone available to check on your home while you are away. A good rule of thumb would be to have a family member, close friend, or trusted neighbor check on your home every other day. They are able to check on your major appliances associated with water, such as the dishwasher, washing machine, and water heater.

Conserving Water

If you are out of town for more than a week, it might be a good idea to turn off your sprinkler system. The person you have asked to check in on your house can hand water your plants and lawn in the meantime. A broken sprinkler head while you are away, has the potential to cause a lot of water damage, if it is in close proximity to your home. 

Another option is to set up a low-cost security camera in a few main rooms of your house to check for water damage while you are away. Having one in the kitchen and one set up to view your water heater is a great way to give yourself peace of mind while you are gone. Security cameras for outside and inside the home are very popular today, so it should be easy to find one at an affordable cost.

Here For You

In the event you do return home to any type of flooding or water damage, call SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park. SERVPRO is available for water restoration and mold remediation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Plumbing Failure Risks

8/30/2023 (Permalink)

As your home ages, your plumbing system is more at risk for experiencing issues. Plumbing problems are the cause of most water damage claims. Even the tiniest cracks in water pipes have the potential to leak gallons of water into your home in minutes. If the crack goes unseen or overlooked for an extended period, your possessions along with the structural components of your home most likely will experience a significant degree of damage. Anytime you detect your plumbing system is experiencing issues, call in a professional water damage restoration company such as SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park.

When the belongings in your Irwindale Home experience water damage, they have the potential of losing their structural integrity and break down. Water can flow into the small crevices of your home and damage items that are not visible. Also, the vapor inside the air can tarnish things such as your drywall or acoustic ceiling tiles.

Our SERVPRO technicians form a remarkably trained team. Our crew members are IICRC certified and are taught to handle a variety of different “loss” scenarios such as: fire, water, mold, storm. The certification program teaches our technicians several industry-approved methods to remove moisture from every material inside your home. Our training also equips us with a trained eye that can spot problems that might not stand out. We also learn mitigation methods that follow all the rules, regulations, and EPA standards.
Once our technicians determine what items experienced water damage in your house, our technicians will construct the best method to quickly remove the moisture. Before finalizing any project, our technicians will use our specialized moisture testing instruments to ensure that moisture levels have returned to preloss conditions. Our SERVPRO team will be ready whenever you need our services, call SERVPRO of Irwindale / Baldwin Park at (626) 337-3374 to receive fast, 24/7 service.

Smoke Odor in Your Home

8/30/2023 (Permalink)

There is no doubt that house fires are ruinous to one's home. They can originate at a random time throughout the year so it is difficult for many to be prepared for one. Even if the fire is put out in a timely manner and you were fortunate to prevent the total loss of your home, the effects of the fire can remain. One of the most common problems that take place after a fire occurs is the unpleasant smoke odor. Even if the fire took place in a small section of the home, the odor can spread throughout, leading to undesirable living conditions.

It is important to be proactive when dealing with the odor as it will remain lingering for a long period of time and in some instances will not go away on its own. Not only will it remain in the air, but it will begin sticking to the materials around your house such as your walls, couches, furniture, clothing, and so on. Allowing this to happen to your materials for a prolonged period  will eventually damage them permanently. Regardless of not being directly impacted by the fire they will need to be thrown away and replaced. In serious cases the smoke odor can also start working its way to your neighbors, affecting their homes as well. Thus, not only will you have to deal with the problem but now it is impacting your neighborhood. The air quality inside your home will also drop and can cause health effects. If not instantly then the effects will be felt long term. The more serious it gets then you will likely not be able to stay in your home until the situation is resolved.

When a fire occurs, sometimes just putting it out won’t be enough. In cases like this if you need assistance you can always contact SERVPRO of Irwindale/Baldwin Park. We specialize in dealing with fire damage and deodorization. We will do what it takes to get rid of that smoke odor and restore your home back to normal. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year and we can be reached at (626) 852-9922.

Protect Your Baldwin Park Home from a Storm!

6/30/2023 (Permalink)

Floods can result in the presence of contaminated black water throughout your home. Usually caused by backed up sewers or road overflow during periods of heavy rainfall, black water is classified by the presence of pathogens that could be harmful to your health. We include among these pathogens animal carcasses, raw sewage, herbicides, pesticides, or other forms of debris. Professionals are on hand to help remediate black water emergencies and are equipped with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to work safely in the removal or disposal of biohazard substances.

Biohazardous waste poses a real risk to your health, and its presence is not uncommon with flood damage in Baldwin Park. If you suspect the presence of black water call SERVPRO immediately on our emergency number and avoid all contact with contaminated water, we can safely remove your furnishings and salvage items using modern cleaning technology. Some items may need to be removed for disposal in line with federal and state guidelines.

Usually, structural components like carpets, subfloor mats, fittings, fabrics, or curtains need to be disposed of after coming into contact with black water. SERVPRO can also demolish sections of drywall to ensure that the property is free from contamination once work is complete. We can replace drywall by engaging with third-party contractors on your behalf.

Pumping water out of the home and carrying out intensive disinfectant cleaning is a must in black water emergencies. SERVPRO can deploy high water pressure to help clean structural components, walls, and ceilings, but we cannot guarantee that these are salvageable. Generally speaking, the safest way of ensuring black water pathogens are removed is by demolishing items that it comes into contact with immediately.

A contaminated water emergency usually results in unpleasant odors being released into the home. Equally, heavy duty disinfectants, bleaches, and anti-bacterial chemicals used during cleaning can also carry with them a thick odor. SERVPRO can thoroughly fumigate the property at the end of service using thermal foggers to ensure your home gets back to its preloss condition after a blackwater emergency.

How to Prevent a Dryer Fire

9/27/2022 (Permalink)

Every year, firefighters across the country respond to around 14,630 home fires caused by clothes dryers, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Unfortunately, most dryer related fires can be prevented. An estimated 34 percent of these fires occur due to failure to clean the machines. Most dryer fires happen in the fall and winter months, peaking in January.

If dryer fires are relatively common, but preventable, what you can you do to make sure a fire doesn’t occur at your home? Here’s how to prevent an incident:

Clean Your Lint Filter

The most common cause of a clothes dryer fire is lint build-up and reduced airflow. Lint is an extremely combustible material.

The built-up lint eventually sparks and catches fire. Usually lint will simply burn inside of a dryer and leave a burning smell along with damage to the dryer, but oftentimes the machine catches on fire. If the fire is severe enough or the flames spread, the fire can destroy an entire home.

The lint screen should be cleaned before and after each load, no matter how small the amount of lint is. This will also build the habit of constant cleaning.

Take Care When Washing Stained Items

Clothes stained with flammable chemicals or substances, such as gas, cooking oil, cleaning agents, or paint thinners, need special care. The Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends washing the clothing more than once to minimize the volatile chemicals, then hanging to dry. If you must use a dryer, use the lowest heat setting and a drying cycle that concludes with a cool-down period.

In the event that a fire does start, keep the dryer door closed, as a fire needs oxygen to keep it going.

Clean the Vent Line 

Cleaning should not only take place inside of vent hoses and inside of dryers, but also outside of the machines.

The vent line is the wall area that is behind the dryer and goes toward the outside flap of the dryer. This area should never be restricted or clogged up with lint. The chance of a dryer fire increases if this area is clogged.

If this area is too difficult for you to reach and clean yourself, reach out to a professional chimney sweep or cleaning service.

Maintain a Clear Drying Space

The entire surrounding area near a dryer should be clean and free of debris. No clothes, towels, cleaning supplies, or other materials should be gathered outside of a dryer.

This extra clutter, especially if cleaning supplies or flammable materials are present, will enhance the chance of a fire spreading across the home if one sparks. Fires spread rapidly, and anything that can contribute to that spread should be removed.

Additional Tips

How Do You Know a Dryer is Failing? 

If your clothes are taking a longer than normal time to dry, are hotter than usual, or any other out of the ordinary issue occurs, your lint dryer needs to be checked. In order to check the dryer, reach out to maintenance professionals.

Further Prevention 

  • Never use a dryer if the lint filter is missing, loose, or damaged.
  • Avoid overloading the dryer.
  • Frequently check that nests of animals or insects are not blocking vents.
  • If your dryer is gas powered, it should be inspected by a professional once a year. The professional should ensure that gas lines are connected and no leaks are present.